Monday, September 29, 2008

More Pet Peeves

I get that I have a lot of pet are a few more things that have recently been peeving me...

**I love vinyl. I get that it is popular here and I even have some of it in my house but what is the deal with the "vinyl families" on the backs of cars? I even saw one today with a vinyl "skull family"--not sure what I think about that either.
**I hate when people think they are cute by misspelling words and titles on businesses. It was one thing in Washington Heights when nearly ALL the English words were misspelled but here people do it on purpose. For instance today I was driving through Salt Lake and saw a "restaurant" named Skool Lunch. It is not cool. It is not kitschy. It is stoopid!
**Oh, and speaking of misspelling...the other day at work I witnessed another of my favorite pet peeves..."Your Great" was written on one of my co-workers cars. If you are going to write something on a car shouldn't you make SURE that you know how to spell it? Um...yeah!


Wendi said...

Yeah, the "your" vs. "you're" pet peeve reminds me of the infamous Rachel letter that made Ross fall asleep... :)

kacee said...

I am with you on the vinyl families on the cars - it bugs!

Angi Snyder said...

Vinyl families I have seen:
1 child with wings and a halo
2 Mommies, 1 kid (in Utah County too, who knew???)
The worst are the "Disney" ones, with princess hats and Mickey ears.