Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fracking Funny TVisms

I'm going to share a few moments/lines from TV that have made me laugh this week. If you don't watch these shows it won't be funny and I apologize but I laugh every time I think about any of them...

How I Met Your Mother: Barney to Random guy at work: This spot is for VP of Awesome and you are Assistant Under Secretary of Only Okay."

Big Bang Theory: Leonard to Penny: "Have you ever heard of Schrodenger's Cat?" Penny: "Cat's alive--Let's go!"

90210: Kelly to Brenda about the perils of dating a guy a decade younger than her: "I asked him where he was when Kurt Cobain died and he said he was watching cartoons." This one is particularily funny to me...I don't have any idea why...

Greek: Casey to Ashleigh about the possiblilty of her taking a job as a babysitter: "What about your irrational fear of little people?"

Gossip Girl: Blair to everyone about Chuck: "I need a Post-Bass palate cleanser"; "Damn that Mother Chucker"; "Chuck Bass-tard". Ha ha. I love Chuck!

Oh, and this one has been rolling around in my head all week but it is about 14 years old:

Friends: Ross to Monica about why Paul-the-Wine guy would lie to her: "I'm guessing you are looking for something more sophisticated than 'to get you into bed'."

Sacred Thursday Night TV begins ... One week from tonight, Baby!

1 comment:

Wendi said...

I love that you love TV as much as you do. I hope you have a great birthday. :)