Saturday, September 6, 2008

The "No Comment" Scar

On Thursday morning while I was trying to wake-up and get ready for work I accidentally burned my face with the curling iron. It hurt like hell all day but I didn't worry about it until Friday morning when I woke up and had a huge brown mark running diagonally over the left side of my face. NICE! I tried to cover it up with make up but it was definitely still there. The truly comical thing is that people starred at it all day but NO ONE said a word! Not one word....which is truly funny because Friday was moving day and it looked like a smudge of dirt across my face. You would think someone at work would have even mentioned


Wendi said...
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Wendi said...

Sorry about the curling iron burn. I hate those! (I get mine on my neck. Ouch!!) Too bad I don't work with you--I probably would've said something (seeing that I have no filter either). ;)