Friday, September 5, 2008

Me and My Love of Netflix

Netflix and I have a tenuous relationship. I’ve never been responsible enough to deal with Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Not that I don’t watch the movies…I just have a difficult time returning them and then end up paying large and annoying fines. A few years ago I signed up for Netflix and I’ll admit…I loved it. I’ve never received a DVD that was too scratched to watch and I love that I could get them and can return at will. I loved that I could watch TV on DVD and not have to buy it—although let’s be honest—its rare that I am patient enough to “wait” for the next disk for a TV series. A while ago I cancelled my membership when I was cutting back on “unnecessary” expenses. When I told my sister about it she said, “Oh, we would never cancel Netflix…we’d get rid of anything except for that”. I shrugged and went on with it until I got an E-mail telling me that my awesome beautiful perfect sister had bought me a one year “gift subscription” to Netflix. How freaking awesome is my sister? She’s the best and I love her and that year I was very careful to watch and return quickly. I even “kept up” my list so that I knew what was coming up and what to look out for. In the last year though I’ve been very lax in my Netflixing…probably b/c I’m paying for it now and I’m not responsible. For instance apparently during the Winter/early Spring I was depressed—I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I had very few friends and was struggling with the “what have I done by moving back here…”. I know I was depressed. Not in the way that normal people know it. I know it because of the movies I started getting a few months later. The irony about it all was that I was feeling a million times better but everyday the little red envelope would come in the mail and it would be some HORRIBLY depressing film that for some reason I thought I wanted to watch. Why oh why? I didn’t even watch most of them. I’d quickly return them and then wait for the next one. I KNOW I KNOW. The smart thing to do would be to log on to Netflix and change the list. Oh no, it was a game I played with myself to see what razor blade type film would be coming the next day. Recently I’ve been laughing at the little red envelopes because instead of being horribly depressing they’ve been a different kind of pathetically amusing kind of films. For instance the other day I got The Wedding Date and 27 Dresses. I laughed so hard at myself on the walk from the mailbox to my house. I know I put those on the list the end of May or early June when I was falling in love and feeling so great. Ha ha. Yeah, I didn’t watch either of those. I just put them back in their little envelopes and shipped them back to their home. I can’t wait to see what comes next…I’m a little scared though.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Yeah...your little game is expensive! (And a little odd.) But whatever floats your boat. :) I'm glad you're blogging again!