Tuesday, November 25, 2008

6 Days Off

6 Days off. Not in a year but in a ROW. Yes, it's true I get the next six days off of work. Up until this week the longest vacation I've had this year was a four day weekend in August. Six whole days of no work--the last time that happened was March 2007.

Hmmmm. I wonder what I will do....6 whole days.

Yay for me!

Six Days. Wow.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Poor Alex

I know I need to stop blogging today....I have a million things to do but I just have to do one more post...

Just finished re-watching Grey's because I fell asleep on Thursday night. Oh my goodness. Is Alex going to be okay when his second consecutive girlfriend gets locked up in a loony bin? I had just been thinking...Hmm...I don't hate Izzy as much as I normally do and then bam...the preview for next week. Believe me, I understand all about being broken and sad but really, dead boyfriend coming back to life. Really? November sweeps needs to be over.

Oh, Me -- Oh, My!

Every day I get an E-mail from this web site that notifies me of sales regarding clothing, shoes, bags, jewelry, etc. I love it and occasionally find a great blouse, pair of shoes, etc. However, on Thursday I FOUND the perfect skirt. The skirt that EVERY girl must have. The skirt that goes with everything and is totally in my price range.

Oh, my fracking heck...it was on sale for $1699 (shiz, it was $2798.00 so such a bargain, eh?). Yes, baby that is SIXTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS! I'm totally getting it.

I'm Wondering...

The following is an actual E-mail conversation between me and a co-worker. She had been helping me come up with prizes for my big party next weekend. Um...how do you think Ms. Mindy at Larry Miller Theatres would feel about me bringing in that special prize? Would it even fit in my little Toyota? How do you think the un-suspecting Beehive or other random Soccer mom would feel about taking it home? These are the crazy things I think about because I'm so bored...

L: … if you tried googling “16th century 12ft tall hand-crafted wooden crucifix”. You know, just in case eBay has one for like $3.
A: Oh, I'm gonna. I heart you.

L: It is the sort of thing you might find at a yard sale between all the other Mormon handicrafts.

Unfortunately, eBay does not have one and yard sales creep me out. Maybe my carpenter brother can make me one...wish me luck!


One of my colleagues shared with me the following from her brother who teaches middle school geography. Funny, yes. Horribly tragic in pondering about who will be the future leaders of America, YES!

I’m sitting here grading late work. One of the questions on my assignment was “Why are there large areas of uninhabited/zero population density in northern Africa?” The kids are using a map to answer this. On the map it shows that the Sahara Desert is in Northern Africa.

The answer I get from a student? Well, let me reproduce it for you WORD FOR BLESSED WORD:

Because that’s where many of the really poor and skinny people live that are always starving and dying cause they dont have anything there many people are dying there thats why.

Of course, I should have known we were in for a rocky start when this same student, in answer to the question, “What is the major economic use of land in Africa?” (again, using a map with bright colors for each economic land use type) wrote, “Asia!”

Complete with the exclamation point.

I swear to you, I’m making a sign to put on my wall that says “It’s not my fault you’re stupid.”

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Better Than Bombay

Sheldon: I never eat in strange restaurants. One runs the risk of non-standard cutlery.
Ramona: Excuse me?
Leonard: Sheldon lives in fear of the three tine fork.
Sheldon: Three tines is not a fork. Three tines is a Trident. Forks are for eating. Tridents are for ruling the seven seas.

The other night my good friend and I decided to take a chance on a new restaurant. I do love trying new things but there is obviously still that fear--not the Sheldon fear of using a trident to eat with but the fear that the food will be bad and thus a waste of a perfectly good meal. Anyway, after much discussion about what kind of food to eat (Indian) we narrowed it down to two possibilities: one on Center Street in Provo and one on Freedom. Julia read the reviews and the one on Center had several reviews that said, "Even better than Bombay..."-- as if that could be true but we wanted to see if it was written by a true food snob like us or by someone who likes the Olive Garden. We went. We ate. We loved! The food was DELICIOUS! So so so so tasty and yes, folks, better than Bombay--cheaper, too! Here is a conversation that took place as we were both stuffing our faces:

Julia: Angie, this is a place where we could bring friends in from out-of-town and hold our heads high knowing that we have a GREAT place to eat.
Angie: A huh...(more vegetarian coconut kurma being shoved in my mouth).

Ahhhhhhh. I love new yummy food!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's a Dead Man's Party....Who Could Ask For More?

Thanks to Kris and her incredibly awesome costume I had something fun to wear for Halloween! I was Cleopatra Queen of the Nile (or Denial--whichever you prefer) and as I said last week--Halloween is a pretty big deal at my work and there were lots of great costumes: Ironman, Pig with Lipstick, Cinderella, Fairy Princess, Pink Flamingo, Medieval chic, Mario, Rafael, a couple Vampiresses (is that right?), a Witch Woman, and my favorite: Michael Jackson from the Beat It album. Also, I got a visit from my favorite little person--Zack the Monkey. Zack wasn't so sure about the Trick-o-Treating but he had lots of fun and was sweet as pie telling everyone "thank you" and "candy". He also now can sign "I Love You" which broke my nearly healed heart. I *heart* Halloween!


I love fall but this one is killing me. Yesterday: 72 degrees with a beautiful clear sky. Today: 45 degrees and raining cats, dogs, and other random house pets. Ugh!