Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Possible Demise of my Cookie Obsession

I don't usually talk about work in my blog except for a passing reference to something someone said or did but yesterday something truly disturbing happened and I can't NOT write about it. My Accounting friends decorated my office yesterday morning for my birthday and then Julie brought in cookies from Smart Cookie to help us celebrate. Lindsay and I were sitting at my desk because I was helping her with a Darwin thing and I opened the box so we could all admire the cookies. Remember that these are my favorite Utah treat and I kinda can't get enough of them. I LOVE them and now I may not ever be able to eat one again...back to the story. After I opened the box this person who let's call One Hour Photo swoops in from across the office with this incredibly creepy look on his face and as he is TAKING one of my cookies asks in a TRULY heinous voice, "Can I have one of it your birthday?" I half froze in my chair and was somehow able to nod my head 'yes' but the rest of me couldn't move at all. All of you who have ever sat through a horror/scary/slightly intense movie with me know that I always grab the person next to me when I'm scared and MY brain wanted to grab Lindsay but my body couldn't move. It was horrifying and even after it happened and he tip toed away we all sat there trying to figure out what had just occurred. This person OHP has never EVER even said "Hello" to me and felt as if it was okay to take away the one true pleasure I have right now. Ewwwwwwwww!

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Sorry to hear about the cookie trauma. I sincerely hope you'll recover. If not, at least there's still Yoasis. ;)