It is time once again for the "Best Husband" list as compiled by "The Single Girl". I feel as if I'm a pretty good judge of character and I certainly spend a great deal of time listening to people complain about and/or compliment their husbands so I know what is good and what is um...not so good. Here is my list for 2008 in no particular order:
Matt C.
Mike B.
Paul D.
Aaron L.
Robb B.
I have not seen Matty in nearly a year but I stay caught up on the blog so I can say with confidence that he's just as fantastic as ever. How much better could it get? Best home teacher, awesome taste in music, closet Buffy fan, etc. I've had little or no association with Robb in ages but I know he's a good egg so he will always make the list. As Mel and I have often been heard saying, "Robb has ruined all guys for us." Paulie...what can I say? You are the best brother-in-law in the world and who knew that this city girl could be so impressed with a Wyoming Cowboy? I know you'd even slay dragons for me if I asked. The other Michael Scott -- super husband, hilarious dad, fun friend -- with a super power to get ANYONE to tell you ANYTHING. Oy Vey. I'm just getting to know Aaron but I adore him. I met his parents last weekend at a wedding and when his wife introduced me she said, "Angie loves Aaron" -- which is true. He's definitely a good egg. All of you are.
I had to forward your posting on to Robb. We really need to ALL get together next time. You seriously haven't seen him FOREVER!
Yes, he really is great, isn't he? I probably don't spend enough time singing his praises, but gosh darn it, I LOVE HIM.
Thank you Brown Eyed Girl- you are very generous in your estimation of me. I will take yours any day over my own. We miss you tons here. Thanks again. M.C.
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