Monday, January 26, 2009

My Town

On Saturday night my girlfriend and I saw a double feature. Both movies awesome. Both award winning and incredible. Both 'rip your guts out' emotionally intense. During the first movie we had a really bad experience with some incredibly immature girls. One group had a woman who cackled many many times throughout the movie--never at an appropriate place. The other group was a bunch of idiot teenage girls who giggled and laughed during the entire movie. Keep in mind that we were seeing Revolutionary Road and in NO place during the film is it appropriate to laugh, giggle or cackle. After the film I looked at Julia and said, "What were they even doing here?" She glared at them for the nth time and said, "I'm thinking they thought they were at Titanic 2--it's the only explanation!". She also mentioned that it was "Your Town" which she often does when we are in Orem and things like that happen. She also mentioned "Your Town" when we went outside after the film and saw this GIGANTIC truck with fire painted on the sides and wheels bigger than my house. Yes, Orem is "My Town" but at least I don't live in the land of 21 year old BYU idiots. I pointed out to Julia that those girls probably live in "Her Town" and go to her school.

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