Monday, January 26, 2009

Ahhhhh, Dreaming of John

Last week one of my colleagues showed me a picture of her roommate and "our" boyfriend John Krasinski. a.k.a. Jim from The Office. She ran into him at Sundance and said he was so nice and normal and all those things that we all love about him. They even looked like a couple in the picture so I kind of hate her. Well, Friday night I was in SLC with my friend Shane and after a yummy dinner at Dodo we tried to find a movie to see. We tried the Gateway theater but nothing was starting for a couple of hours and so we drove over to the Broadway and tried to see Slumdog. On the way over to the Broadway we were talking about the Sundance Film Festival and Shane was telling me about the celebs he had seen the previous weekend. I told him about Adrienne's roommate and then we talked about how John's movie was premiering the next night in SLC and wouldn't it be great to be able to go. Well, that night after a week of John John John I went home and had the most vivid dream. Everything that had happened that week including Adrienne's roommate meeting John, watching The Office, the conversation I had with Shane, etc. had happened and THEN I dreamed that I went to John's movie premiere, met him and made out with him. Even after I woke up it felt real. Dude...I'm so messed up.

P.S. We didn't end up seeing a movie and yes, Kacee, I was home before 9 p.m.

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