Thursday, February 2, 2012

Girl Meets Boy

Girl meets boy.
Girl falls in love with boy.
Boy falls in love with girl.
Girl and boy are ridiculously happy and perfect for one another.
Boy breaks up with girl.

This isn't new. It happens all the time. It has happened to every single person in the world even those 19 year old freaks that went to my college who got married Freshman year have been dumped at some point in their life. Actually, for a lot of those it has happened recently. Anyway, a few weeks ago I heard about a girl I know that I will call Jennifer. Jennifer and I aren't friends but Jennifer is best best friends with all of my friends. Jennifer and her former love whom I will call Stan live in Gotham City and recently broke up. I literally (hate when people use that word incorrectly) think about Jennifer's situation all the time because it is so tragic. In November when our friends visited Gotham City for a mini vacation they met Stan and hung out with him and as my friend Shmelanie told me Stan and Jennifer were perfect for each other. Shmelanie was worried about the very real probability that Jennifer would be moving to Stan's country as soon as he finished school but that they were so great together and Jennifer was so very happy. Stan is from another country. One that I won't name, but it isn't one of those countries on the State Department Danger List, that we used to talk about in my classes "Girls, if you know anyone who is dating a guy from one of these countries you must break them up". The whole time Stan and Jennifer were together they had the black "parent cloud" hanging over their heads but they were both very optimistic that in the end Stan's parents would be okay with him marrying an American. Turns out they were not okay with Jennifer and neither was the brother that Stan thought would be on his side. Not only were they not okay with it but they forbade him from being with her and made him pick between them and Jennifer. And so they broke up. And she is crushed. Devastated. And so am I. Life is so hard enough and finding someone to love who loves you back is hard enough but family support is a very big deal even in 2012. And you really do marry the family. Just ask any married person.


Cali said...

In my very humble opinion, it is the one who wants Stan to be truly happy who really loves him. That means accepting someone in his life because he loves her, even if they disagree. How very sad of the family not to support him in his happiness, and very sad of him not to be able to see that. And very sad for Jennifer.

Wendi said...

Sad story. And, yes, you do marry the family....