Monday, February 13, 2012

Anatomy of a Bad Day

No Monday ever starts out okay when I've spent the entire day alone on Sunday.

Nothing happened today to put me in a bad mood. No one was mean to me. No one cut me off in traffic. No clients yelled at me. On paper today was a great day: lunch with two of my Favoritest people on the planet, a Valentine from my best friend (and her kids) AND I got to see my favorite niece and nephew. Yet, I can't get it together to stop the tears from flowing down my face.

I fought the mood all day but at 3:45 I told my boss I had to leave and I came home. Old school me would cancel plans for tonight and huddle in a blanket with a book to ride out the bad feelings but new me is going to get my shit together and go watch The Bach with my friends. New me has to win at some point, right?

1 comment:

Wendi said...

I hate days like that. I hope it got better and that you had a great time with your friends. Happy Valentine's (schmalentine's)day. Consider yourself hugged. :)