Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm Iceland

About a month ago someone I trust implicitly mentioned that I might come across as cold and closed off and unfeeling to the casual observer. To say the least this put me in a bit of a funk because it just isn't true. Or, maybe it put me in a funk because it is true and I didn't want to hear it.

Tonight I heard something and I think it accurately describes me: I'm Iceland--cool to the touch but underneath pure volcano! I think I'm okay with this.


Wendi said...

Maybe to the "casual observer", but people who really pay attention think you're awesome! :)

Cali said...

Serious, you are more awesome than anyone else I know!!!

PS- Sometimes you just gotta let the volcano explode a little every now and then, no one will think worse of you.

Tisha Morgan said...

I agree with the previous comments, and I think that I am the person who told you that, so in my defense I have to say, I love you to death and anyone who actually knows you at all does as well!