The Blue Lemon is the cutest little restaurant. It is in Highland across from Kohler's and I love it. It has DELICIOUS food and treats and cute little tables and a great atmosphere. This town is so small. My friend and I were sitting there last night and I was telling him all about my favorite daily drama queens and then had to stop talking because of the person who came and sat down next to us--like right next to us. At the teeny tiny table next to us. Bloody Hell! She looked at me and I looked at her and she pointed at me and said, "I know you...right?" I smiled and replied, "Yes, I work with your mom". "Oh, you're Angie, right?" "Yup".
End of my fun talk. Bummer.
That IS a bummer. I hate having to stop talking in the middle of a juicy conversation!
If it had of been me that sat down, you could have kept talking!
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