Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Resurrection of Coldplay

Coldplay has been dead to me. Yes, I used to love them and some of their songs still make me smile in a way that very few things can make me smile (God Put a Smile On Your Face still does that to me...Ahhhhhhhhhhhh) but for the most part they have been dead to me for a couple of years. This past Easter weekend not only was Lent over (yay!) but also Coldplay was resurrected for me. I love Viva La Vida and quite frankly cannot stop listening. The album as a whole is brilliant and each song completes the other. I fell asleep listening Saturday night. Sunday while I was baking ALL day I listened and listened and listened. I listened all day on Monday and Tuesday at work but now that I'm back in the cube temporarily (long stoooopid story) I can't listen so I'm actually starting to go through withdrawls. Maybe tonight will be another all night sleeping, listening, enjoying. Love you Chris Martin. Love.

1 comment:

Tina W said...

Totally with you. I have never liked Coldplay until Viva la Vida. First time I felt they were worth their hype.