Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I don't know if you can read the sign but it says NSA is Spying on You and they are slapped up all over my neighborhood. I know people who believe this and maybe in their case of never leaving their house, not owning a computer and/or cell phone (an actual friend of mine) it is true but in my case man I hope so. I try to make it easier for them by buying everything on line but I'm thinking I might try to help some more -- here's my schedule so you can focus on someone more important than me:

My workdays are usually similar -- work, work out, dinner with Jon Stewart, and a few nights a week some kind of movie, dinner or activity with friends. My weekends are a lot more interesting -- get up, go running, shower, grocery store, nap, eat, nap some more, get ready and go out with friends.

I'm fairly certain the actual terrorists know they are being watched and the rest of us are just minding our own business and trying to live our lives. I wonder how much those posters cost and how that money could have gone to a better use.

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