Monday, May 10, 2010


One of my most favorite things is when the little people use big words for the first time. I still remember the first time Brayden who is now 12.5 used the word 'Actually' in a sentence. "Actually, Ang, it is the dryer that shrinks clothes--not the washer". Love being corrected by a 3 year old. As if I didn't know that the dryer is the shrinker not the washer. However, in order to get something dryer worthy it MUST first be washed. By the way, it is nearly impossible to reason with a small child. Or, when he was the same age and he told my mom he was going to be a Paleontologist when he grew up. She asked if he knew what that was and he told her that it was a person who studied dinosaur bones. How did Dave and Adri produce such a brilliant kid? Tonight, Becky had Zack (he will be three next month) tell us his new word 'Ridiculous'. I LOVE IT! It is so completely adorable.

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