Monday, March 23, 2009

Last Weekend

Last weekend was pretty boring--here were the highlights...

*Saw a couple of movies. Was the only girl at both of them--nearly never a good sign but it was fine in both of those instances.
*Hung out with Zack. I love love love that kid. Oh, I also hung out with his mom and dad.
*Bought a bike.
*Rode the bike.
*Fell off the bike.
*Ate a red velvet cupcake from Sweet Tooth Fairy and LOVED it.
*Tried the "Cake Bites" from STF and HATED them--they are not worth it at all.
*Hung out with Kacee for a little bit--so NICE to see you.
*Watched 5 episodes of Lost with a friend. That Jack could not be hotter. Jack in a suit (even a wet one) is right up there with Derek in a white button up shirt, sweater, blazer and jeans. Why is that so HOT? Why am I so twisted? Don't answer that.
*Rented a movie that I'm hideously embarrassed about.
*Watched it and hated nearly every single second of it--just like I knew I would.


Wendi said...

I agree that Jack looks hot in a suit. :) But I think my Johnny looks good in a suit too. It must be the good little Mormon girl in us way deep down inside...

Wendi said...

Oops...I answered it, didn't I?! ;)