Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Frequent Shopper Rewards

I hate them. I hate the punch cards. I hate rewards programs. I hate the stupid little tags for my key chain. I hate that I am required to carry around a wallet full of crap. It doesn't make me feel better to keep track of points at EVERY single place I shop. I could care less if I get a free soda after I purchase 400 of them. Just lower your damn prices overall and stop with the points and punches and cards. Now that I've said how much I hate it I will admit that I do in fact have a couple: one to Paradise Bakery, one for the grocery store and one for Borders but I feel like a hypocrite every single time I use them. The woman who works at the Lindon Walker's is determined to get me to sign up for rewards card. Here is a recap of a zillion of our conversations:

Way too Chipper for 7:45 a.m. Woman: Hi, do you have a rewards card?
Angie: Nope.

Way too Chipper for 7:45 a.m. Woman: Do you want one?
Angie: Nope.

You can replay that conversation over and over and over....

Here's the latest:

Way too Chipper for Any Time of the Day Woman: Do you have...oh, you're that girl who won't get one...
Angie: Yup.

In my defense I'm way nice to her but I just don't bloody want a card. I can't commit to one more thing on my key chain. For a while I stopped going there because I couldn't stand to have the same conversation over and over but I started going again because I get a perverse pleasure out of seeing how far into her spiel she gets before she realizes it is me. Sick and twisted--that's me!


Wendi said...

That twisted little side of you amuses me. I'm so glad you've been posting again. I've missed you! :)

Wendi said...

P.S. I loved "Way too Chipper for Any Time of the Day Woman" :D

Angi Snyder said...

Thanks for updating. I totally know who this woman is. She's not nice to me at all, so of course I like to irritate her as much as possible.
This of course is the same Walkers that I had to go to every night before they closed for 2 weeks to pee and brush my teeth. And I was back there everymorning to repeat. Ask mom, LOOONG story. I still get sentimental everytime I go in that bathroom. Sometimes I just go in there to reminicse. But people look at you funny when you are standing in a public bathroom with tears in your eyes stroking the tile. Or brushing your teeth for that matter. Anywho, it's quarter to 2 in the morning, I should probably go to sleep. Love ya Ang!