Sunday, November 1, 2009

30 Hours in Heaven

Last weekend I took a super quick trip to San Francisco and I don't mean to be overly dramatic (I know hard to believe...) but even though it was only just over a day it was a little bit of heaven. Originally I just needed to get out of The UC and to be with someone who likes me in a city where I don't feel like an outcast but it ended up being so much more.

Here are a few highlights:

*Eating our faces off -- one of us definitely at least started the process towards coronary delight as shown by the Cuban he's eating. We actually bought this at this divey Bodega/Liquor Store compliments of Anthony Borudain. My brother Steve would have loved to have been with us.

*Sprinkles cupcakes--holy wonderfulness! Totally worth waiting in line and paying $6 for two cupcakes. The Red Velvet was my favorite although the coconut was a delightful treat on Sunday afternoon.

*Being with Tina. I heart her. No matter how crazy and dark and twisted I am she still likes me and is the best friend in the world. It was so great to get together, talk, shop and catch up in real life.

*Bonding with Jeff during an incredibly painful but wonderful Chinese foot massage. I really should have taken a picture but was having way too much fun having the shiz massaged out of my feet. Also, trying desperately to ignore the Heir to the Massengill fortune that was in the spa at the same time.

*Spending the entire weekend talking about all my favorite things: food, TV, books, movies and music. Truly does it get any better? Um...No!

*The concert. We went to the Bridge School Benefit Concert that is hosted every year by Neil Young and friends to help sponsor a handicap school in the Bay Area. The kids were super cute and had as much fun as we did. We had a blast hanging out, listening to the bands and people watching: The mini Lane Kim, the rubber chicken--what was that about, the nerdy guy in the Mad Hatter Hat. All kinds of random people at a concert--especially this one because of the varied bands. Love me some Wolfmother and they were fantastic! Whenever I'm in a bad mood I love cranking up Wolfmother and rocking out until I feel better. Chris Martin could NOT have been cuter, sexier and more down to earth. Speaking of earth, how many people can claim to have sung a round of Earth Angel with their rock icon? Another highlight was when Jimmy Buffet was performing and we got the text from Nick telling us that he was pretty sure that Vice President Biden was on the stage. Yes, folks, if VP Biden was ripped and went a couple weeks without a haircut he could definitely be Jimmy for Halloween! Also, even though I'm not the biggest No Doubt fan I loved seeing Gwen and her friends live. She was glammed up for the night, running around in a teeny tiny black dress and 6 inch heels. She sang to the kids and introduced me to a No Doubt song I'd never heard. I will even admit that a couple of tears streamed down my face as I listened to the beginning of the lyrics of Magic's in the Makeup.

Thank you thank you thank you Tina for a great weekend!


Tina W said...

LOVED every minute you were here!

Wendi said...

I'm glad you had such a great weekend. You deserve it! :)