Friday, August 31, 2012



First and foremost I must say that I hate being a sheep and am occasionally *translate often* bugged by the sheepy / trendy things that I've done in my life.

Second and secondmost *I think I made up that word* I did have a first generation iPhone and we had issues. Constant issues. It was even stolen in NYC and returned to me but still when it died I was totally happy getting a different smart phone.

Third and thirdmost *totally made up* I hate being with a group of people who instead of talking, watching the movie, partying, etc are all sitting and playing with their phones. I HATE it. I know sometimes you need to take a call or check a message but no one that I spend time with regularly is a heart surgeon or President of the United States so it is hurtful to me when it happens.

Fourth and fourthmost, I was intending to wait until the new version was released but last week my phone started cycling over and over and turning itself on and off and so I knew I had to get a new phone immediately and so like all good sheep I caved and bought the iPhone 4s. I wanted to be indifferent. I wanted to not care about this new contraption and just be chill about the fact that I have it but I can't. Why you ask?

It is so awesome and I love it to death. I've only had it for four days and I still feel this way. Last night I discovered that 5 Guys has "an app for that" and grabbed my phone to download it but then realized I really don't need that. Oh hell, can you imagine?

Yeah I kinda hate myself but whatevs. It is what it is and it is freaking awesome! That's all.


ba san said...
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sonya d said...

Oh, I so get this post.