Thursday, August 11, 2011

Things that Remain Constant

The world is continually changing or at least my world is but some things remain constant.

*There will be a Thursday morning wardrobe meltdown resulting in tears and in me being late to work.

*Even though literally I only know four people in my neighborhood I will inevitably run into someone I know while jogging.

*I will spend a large portion of the day freezing in my office. Even the space heater barely makes a difference. (CJ how did you stand it in here?)

*Diet coke will make me happy. Especially on the 9 o'clock drink run with my bullyesque friends.

*I will get lots of hugs from Zacky this afternoon while I'm babysitting. We will also probably watch some kind of action movie while he pretends to be Spiderman, Harry, or Angel (yes, friends he thinks he's Angel).

*Someone in my building will have some kind of crisis that I will be forced to help fix. I'm the fixer and have recently discovered that no one really talks to me unless they need help solving a problem.

Yay, Thursday!

1 comment:

Wendi said...

I hate wardrobe melt downs. And I always seem to run into people at Harmon's, Target, or Costco when I'm there in my PJ's. :S