Friday, December 23, 2011


I know I've blogged about this before but I'm truly curious -- what is it about red? I am different when wearing red. Red clothes, nails, or recently red lipstick. Is it the actual red that inspires the head turns and second glances or is it the confidence I have when wearing the red?



hallie said...

I've always wondered the same thing about red, I think it has soemthing to do with the sterotype of women wearing red, maybe movies have made those things into "confidence charms" or something.

Natasha Lynn said...

visually, red is one of the most attention grabbing colors and the has some stronger physiological affects (faster beating heart and/or causes you to feel warmer by looking at it)including, as my psychology text book tells me, in men's minds sexually. a picture of a woman wearing white received less aroused responses than a picture of the same woman in red. some survival mating plausibility were given as to why that may be.