Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

Question of the Day:

How many times can girl hair get rained on and still look 1/2 way presentable?

All anyone does is complain about the weather and so I've mostly tried to keep quiet but I can't take this rain ANYMORE! Unrelenting horrible freezing cold rain.

That's all.


XOXO Dr. Kay Elizabeth said...

It's okay.... I don't like the rain either. Today actually got sunny around 1ppm AFTER I made it in the house. How funny. lol.

Neha Rahman said...

how am i supposed to follow this blog?? can you add one of those followers gadgets?? for some reason weird blogger wont let me be singned in and reading other peoples blogs at the same time!! arrgh... aggrivating... so... anyway, awesome blog!