Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bully This

Last week was the roughest week of my professional career and as I reflect on the events of the past week I don't concentrate on the difficult tasks and the long hours but more on the lesson I learned. I spent a lot of last week being manipulated and taunted by a bully. I would imagine that she's always been a bully and that she often gets her way and in months or years past I would have let her get under my skin and not only ruin my week but also my weekend. This particular bully is mean. She's nasty and she's an ignoramus that can't even properly spell her insults but I'm not letting her bother me because I don't want to be like her. I'm sure she has a sad miserable life and the takes out that frustration on others as a way to make herself feel better. I'm not better than her but I can be a kind and understanding person and I can appreciate the goodness and happiness in all the little things because LIFE IS WONDERFUL and should be enjoyed and cherished.


Slightly Crazy said...

enjoyed this...thanks!...and for the record, being kind is not always easy, but always makes me feel better

kacee said...

Bully's suck!

Plus, you are definitely one of the kindest people I know...

KD Bissonette said...

Good for you!
It's not easy choosing to be positive...but, I believe it IS better for us! Keep on keepin on ;)

superman said...

I love reading this post! Thank for sharing! Being kind is the good attitude!

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Knock knock - it's cancer! said...

Hmmm... I wonder if you could somehow tell your boss about it?

I feel for you, as I've been there :(

Keep your chin up.