Monday, December 3, 2012

Grammar Schmammer

A few weeks ago, my dear friend Sonya and I were sitting in our hotel room in Las Vegas talking about the things we valued in prospective suitors and more importantly the things that are at the top of our laminated lists. Our lists are pretty simple and have definitely evolved over the years but one thing that we talked about eliminating from our list is our obsession with proper grammar and by proper grammar I mean not eliminating a person because they don't know the difference between "too" and "to" and "your" and "you're". These things still drive me crazy but I'm currently seeing someone who can't get either of those right and who also sent me a text this morning that said, "you are so dam hot". And I'm letting it go because I like him. Yeah it bugs but I used to be involved with a genius who I hero worshiped and sometimes he got "too" and "to" wrong. I pick my battles. The following is a honest to God English Teacher's biggest nightmare come to life --

ReplAcement take care of you hahahahaHahh don't care you play!!!lol
Good you think like a guy but a guy won't give you respect cuz your a ho!!
Just saying!! Your a playa
too haha your not!! lol
Then at 3:20 a.m.:
Hope u got it!! remember your guy with the number
playa ok!!
Obviously I didn't respond.
Sorry wrong text :(
Then on Saturday at 2:02 in the morning:
Then on Saturday at 11:03 in the afternoon:
Hope your having a good weekend there Later Playa
player!! :)'
First things first, he's an a-hole. A huge a-hole. Second, yes, I can eliminate him from my dating pool based on the above grammar. I'd like to eliminate him from the gene pool too but I don't believe in that....